Softwoods are usually less dense, which makes them burn faster and not give off as much heat over the same amount of time as hardwood. Softwoods are easier to light than hardwoods, which make them good for starting fires and getting a hot fire quickly and for making kindling with. softwoods are usually cheaper to buy than hardwoods
Softwoods come from coniferous trees they are also known as evergreens, or gymnosperms. Rather than losing their leaves all at one time, they tend to shed their leaves which are called "needles" these plants produce and let there seeds fall to the ground with no covering
Some soft wood trees include cedar, fir, larch, pine. Hardwood trees include oak, ash, beach, sycamore
A common misconception is that hardwoods are denser or harder than softwood but this is not always true. Balsa wood, which is a very light weight wood is considered a hardwood. in the other hand Douglas fir is a softwood and is considered one of the strongest woods
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